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A Word to the Wise for my Fellow Gen-Y's

I didn't mean to make that title rhyme. It just naturally came out that way. Catchy either way :)

I wanted to share the following article with Passionate Voice readers, particularly Gen Y readers, since I think it perfectly encapsulates my entire generation. The Huffington Post article has been shared a lot recently as it has been making its way around my social media networks.

It is an extremely timely article about why people belonging to Gen Y (my generation.. defined as people born between 1980 to 2000) are unhappy. I am fascinated by generational studies especially in how it relates to leadership and how we function as leaders depending on what generation we were born in.

I find it so interesting to think that depending on when you were born and what generation you were born into, helps define who you are or will be as a person. While certainly not every trait of a generation is true for each person, for the most part from what studies have found, the generation you are born into certainly helps to influence the life you will lead.

While most people think Gen Y (or more particularly Millennial's) are self-absorbed; lazy; and want to get ahead without putting in the time and effort-- I personally believe there could be no better time to be a part of the Gen Y generation. Belonging to Gen Y definitely has its advantages when it comes to being able to share your passionate voice. Think back to the 40's/50's where there was no internet; no social media networks; women had a different expectation of their role in the workplace; and there was really no platform or opportunity to share your voice and ideas with the rest of the world.

We are an extremely fortunate group to be able to have technology and the platforms we have today to allow us the reach we have that no other generation before us has had.

This article is a refreshing reminder though that admist the many gadgets; networks; technology; fast-paced chaos; and easily having the world at our fingertips, we must make sure to balance realism and expectations in order to truly enjoy happiness. It was refreshing to read and a welcomed reminder. I particularly liked the 3 key advice points that the author left the reader with: stay wildly ambitious; stop thinking that you're special; and ignore everyone else.

And obviously though the pictures and graphs made the article a super funny read too :) And as a salute to my generation, Gen Y, I thought I'd leave readers with a cute picture that depicts most likely, how other generations see us :) Enjoy!

[Photo Source]

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